ESE 2025 - Standards and Quality Practices

ESE 2025 - Standards and Quality Practices

Brand: IES Master Publication     ISBN: 978-93-92182-95-2
In Stock
Price: ₹240.00₹300.00

General Studies (GS) carries significant weightage during the preparation for ESE. This subject cannot be left for last minute preparation. IES Master books on General Studies are tailored to the psyche of engineering students aspiring for the UPSC ESE Prelims exam. The revised and updated fourth edition of Standards & Quality Practices builds upon your understanding of the standards and quality practices in production, construction, maintenance and services.

This book helps students build upon concepts from the scratch to the advanced level. From evolution of concept of quality to various thinkers and approaches, to statistical tools and accepted sampling parameters as well as six sigma standards have been discussed thoroughly. It further delves into inventory management, and touches upon various aspects of manufacturing vis-à-vis quality, maintenance and reliability.

The book ‘Standards & Quality Practices’ structures the concepts in a broader perspective keeping in mind the applied knowledge required for top engineering professionals, along with 380+ plus objective questions for self practice. IES Master Publication makes sure that all its books are fully revised and updated annually so that every year students get the best ESE reference books.

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IES Master Publication

IES Master., a visionary Institute, has been providing quality education to aspiring students for success in ESE, GATE and PSU’s exams. Inspiring the students towards becoming self-confident to crack the competitive exams, the Institute follows an exam oriented approach involving both studies and practice sessions. Consistently turning out toppers and high rank holders since its inception in 2011, in GATE, ESE and PSU exams read more

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